B.Sc. in Hospitality Studies
- Affiliated to the University of Mumbai
The HAFT programme is one of the oldest and most prestigious courses in hospitality in the city. This DEGREE is recognized by all deluxe hotel chains in India. HAFT provides 3 state-of-the-art kitchens and a bakery, with the latest
equipment, as well as two training restaurants to facilitate learning in a professional environment.
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Craftmanship In Bakery & Patissierie
There is mystery in the way that simple ingredients – flour, water, yeast, salt, sugar – are transformed into bread or cake. But the process need not be mystifying. In fact, it is easy when you understand why. Revealing the 'why' and 'how' of bakery and confectionery and giving a hands-on experience, is the essence of this course. It engages beginners, enthusiasts and culinary professionals alike in a fascinating journey of culinary delights.
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Dynamics of Baking & Patisserie
This is a comprehensive course in Baking and Patisserie, comprising three modules starting from the basic, going on to intermediate, and finally to the advanced phase. Each module is of six weeks duration covering recipes of different countries. Its uniqueness lies in the hands-on experience it offers to the student to excel in the different avenues of this exciting world of baking.
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Social Communications Media
THE SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA DEPARTMENT (SCMSophia), conducts a one-year, full-time, integrated post-graduate diploma course in social communications media that is open to forty bright young women and men. The course is affiliated to the University of Mumbai’s Garware Institute of Career Education and Development.
Our integrated course includes broadcast and print journalism, film, advertising and corporate communications. Our alumnae have gone on to become successful media professionals.
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Department of Art & Design
Foundation Art
- Recognised by the Directorate of Art, Government of Maharashtra
Immediately after S.S.C. / Std X Board examination and after having passed the Intermediate Drawing Grade Exam, students can enroll for this one year course in Foundation Art. Understanding the basic forms and fundamentals of drawing and designing is given utmost priority in this course. Students are encouraged to explore the relationship between form and function. This course is a pre-requisite for students who further wish to pursue their interest in Applied Art or Textile Designing.
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Diploma in Applied Art
This course in Art, Advertising and Graphic Design, is an intensive and creative programme which serves as an effective educational platform for students. They are trained according to the professional ethics of the advertising world all through their four years. And are prepared for professionalism in the world of design and advertising.
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Textile Design
In Textile Designing student is taught to appreciate and develop her own values and design concepts in traditional and contemporary processes, using their resourcefulness and imagination.
Printing, Dyeing and Weaving, the two options in the Textile Designing Course, provide systematic training in surface designs and fabric structure. In the final year, students have an option between screen printing and batik as their area of specialization. And in weaving, to learn mixed weaves and coloured effect, fabric analysis and loom mechanism.
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Dress Designing & Garment Manufacturing
Diploma is Dress Designing & Garment Manufacturing
- Affiliated to the Directorate of Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra;
- Accredited by AICTE
The Department has completed 38 years of excellence. An intensive three-year Diploma Course affiliated to the Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra, it covers virtually the entire gamut of the fashion industry - Garment making, Fashion illustration, Fashion Merchandising, Color Theory, Generic Skills and many more. Moreover, going beyond the designated curriculum, over the years, new subjects, such as, Design Process, Indian Textiles, Styling, Retail & Export Merchandising, Fashion Accessories, Draping, Visual Merchandising have been introduced to enhance the overall quality of the course.
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